The Hanged Man (Tarot Sequence 2) Promotion Extravaganza

Happy Samhain, New Atlanteans!!

The hotly anticipated sequel to K.D. Edwards’ The Last Sun is arriving on December 17th, and KD, Sia, and I want to make the next two months a fun, exciting, and involved affair for everyone.

We have some seriously cool events planned–for current fans of the series and readers who aren’t familiar with it but would like to be–and today we’ll be giving you an overview of what’s to come (we’ll get into the heavier details of specific events on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday).

But first, if you want to know how #HangedManPromo got started…



I had the chance to read The Hanged Man in September, and predictably I was obsessed with it. And when I get really obsessed about something, like a-dog-trembling-with-a-bone-in-its-mouth obsessed, I try to funnel that energy into activities. Which often means writing, gaming, drawing, dancing, making a playlist and going for a hike…Or, as in this case, creating an extensive project. Because otherwise the excitement settles into a cloying, negative thing–a kind of congealed anxiety with no outlet–which doesn’t rate super high on my Fun Scale. And as anyone who’s read The Tarot Sequence knows, it’s got a +100 to “Obsession Inducer”, which equals to a lot of anxiety.

So that’s the selfish reason.

The not-quite-as-selfish reason is that my grandmother had passed away from cancer in July, and I’d spent most of the summer months thinking about–well, life, to sound cliche. About pushing past doubt and just doing things because you may not have another chance.

And after finishing THM, there was this sense of “I’m feeling everything and I need more people to read this so they can feel it with me.” And, “I can do that, so what’s stopping me?” That would normally mean writing a review and making fanart (which I still plan to do!) But I also wanted to do something bigger, more wide reaching, something that could be accessible to newcomers of the series. The publication date for THM got delayed again, and no one was very happy, and I wanted the months leading up to its release to be as festive as I could make it.

And…here we are.

I asked two of my favourite people in the world to join me, Sia and KD–well, we obviously can’t do it without the damn author–who I’m convinced are actual superheroes and/or angels (I mean, they’re not even hiding it very well *rolls eyes*). Together we polished this into something AWESOME. And do you know the best/scary part? We’re not done brainstorming.

This event is a love letter to a series that celebrates the families we make for ourselves.

It’s a love letter to four people–two fictional, two very real–who have become bright stars in my orbit.

And it’s a love letter to you–the fans, both present and future.

We’re going to have so much fun with this.


So here’s what’s definitively on the schedule. MARK. YOUR. CALENDARS.


Nov 2nd – January 1st:
Creative Tarot Sequence Project

What it says on the tin. I wanted to do a contest to celebrate creativity and specifically, Tarot Sequence creativity. We’ll be talking more about it on November 2nd, and revealing the VERY cool prizes involved.


Nov 3rd – Dec 17: Giveaway (INTL)

Giveaway of what, you ask? Well, you’ll just have to see on November 3rd!


Nov 16 – Dec 16th: Last Sun Readalong

Perfect for those who haven’t read The Last Sun yet, and for those who want to refresh their memories and get reacquainted with the characters before Book 2 drops. We’ll be doing weekly discussions and K.D. will answer any questions you have regarding the text. More info to come tomorrow! (#LastSunReadalong)


Nov 6th – January 1st: Street Team (#ScionsOfAtlantis)

This is our biggest event, and also my favourite (just barely passing Creative Tarot Project), as it allows for roleplay–for us and for you. Do you like roleplay? Quests? Competitions? Letters that may or may not hide clues to special secret content? Then come pledge your allegiance.

As a Scion-with-amnesia, you’ll align with one of four courts (Sun, Justice, Tower, Death) and complete quests and collect points along with your teammates in preparation for the Hanged Man’s arrival. Glory will be heaped on the winning court, along with some very cool rewards.

By joining you also get a chance to participate in The Convocation of the Traveling Last Sun. The idea is that we send a physical copy of The Last Sun to North American and European members, and you get to scribble, doodle, and highlight the book to your heart’s content. Leave messages to your team members! Point out a favourite passage! Then you take pictures and post them on social media, and pass the book to the next person.

(You can read more about the Sun and Justice courts HERE, and Tower and Death courts HERE) Also, we would LOVE it if a couple of more people joined Sun and Justice!





We also have a challenging quiz for The Last Sun planned (plus a raffle), blog posts, including a discussion about the series’ worldbuilding, and MORE.

If you have an idea that you think would be a good fit for the campaign, or if you want to pitch in some prizes (we would love you forever), contact us on Twitter or email us at


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