Monday Chatter (Books, Games & Life) – Rain! Glorious Rain! | Viva la Revolución

Hey guys! I’m a tad late on this one so it’s gonna be a bit short.

The weather’s gone from “I’m sorry, WHY is it 23 degrees in the middle of March???” to a nice, comfortable, predictable 10-15 and raining” which I’m pretty happy about because that makes it the perfect weather for rainy-pier watching. And rainy boating.

So besides reading and gaming, I took my kayak out for a lil’ 2 hour float in the ocean this weekend (I keep hoping I’ll run into seals every single time I do this but sadly it only seems to happen about…20% of the time). I also watched a lot of curling (Sweden, we need to talk about how irritatingly good your team is) and hit a few tennis balls indoors. And then I capped it off with some watercolouring.

Sometimes I wonder if I have too many hobbies going on at once, because when someone asks me “What did you do this weekend?” the answer probably shouldn’t sound like I’m reading off a youth camp itinerary. But nah. That’s crazy talk.


⚔️= Fantasy; 🚀= Scifi; 👻= Paranormal; 🔍= Mystery; 🌺= Contemporary; 🗝️= Historical; 🌈= LGBTQIAP+



Finder by Suzanne Palmer 🚀:
A space adventure story about a repo man who gets caught up in a whirlwind of trouble and lands himself smack dab in the middle of a faction war. I’m reading through it right now and so far it’s uncomplicated fun with a likeable protagonist and charming side characters.

Miranda in Milan by Katharine Duckett ⚔️🗝️🌈:
I couldn’t get to this one last week so take two!


The Binding by Bridget Collins 🗝️⚔️🌈:
I’m excited and worried for this one because everything about the synopsis says this is My Thing–a queer magical gothic story about young man who becomes a bookbinder’s apprentice. Oh and it’s also a story about the power of stories. Please please please be good.


GAMES – We, the Revolution

we the revolution.png

I only got through, like, an hour of Sekiro last week, but I did get a chance to start and finish this bloodthirsty little gem. We, the Revolution is a visual novel/strategy game where you play as the judge of France’s Revolutionary Tribunal–an official court created by the newly established government to try, imprison, and execute enemies of the French Revolution. I’m still not sure what to feel about it. The experience was…grim and discomforting (not that I expected a game about the French Revolution to be a bundle of laughs), but also really compelling?

So yeah, I’ve been casually sending people to the guillotine in my spare time. Just a typical weekday night.



Whisper to me ALL your weekend misadventures and your plans for this week!

31 thoughts on “Monday Chatter (Books, Games & Life) – Rain! Glorious Rain! | Viva la Revolución

  1. acquadimore says:

    The weather went from “this feels like June” to “rainy and actually feels like the month it should be” here too. I have no idea what the weather is doing and neither do plants, everything is either blooming early or unusually late.
    And I tried to get into Miranda in Milan too, but couldn’t because of the writing – which surprised me, since I had liked Katharine Duckett’s short fiction before. Maybe I’ll give it another try in the future.
    I hope The Binding ends up being good!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Kathy @ Pages Below the Vaulted Sky says:

      The flowers here are VERY confused right now. 😀 Half of them started blooming weeks ago and the other half are just starting to catch up.

      And I finished Miranda in Milan and I really wanted to love it but it just felt like…half of a story? I think it could have worked better as a novel because neither the worldbuilding or the characters felt fully-developed.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. jennifertarheelreader says:

    I love hearing about your well-rounded hobbies, Kathy! I wish I could go kayaking in the ocean on a whim, and how lovely to pier watch, especially knowing the beautiful part of the world you live in! Ahhh! I am hearing so many great things about The Binding and can’t wait for your thoughts on that and all three books. ♥️

    Liked by 1 person

  3. softheartandwarmeyes says:

    I 100% feel the exact same way about The Binding; it’s one that could be wonderful for me because the synopsis basically fits me like a glove but that’s also the reason why it could definitely disappoint me viciously if it doesn’t hold up to my high expectations ahh. Hope you enjoy it! c:

    Liked by 1 person

  4. The BookWorm Drinketh says:

    You like curling?? And rainy boating??… And Strategy games?!? I always knew we were destined to be besties. Lol! AND I MISSED YOU!! I’m going to be trying to pop back. (Ya. I know. I’ve said THAT before!) 😅 good to hear you’re doing well!


    • Kathy @ Pages Below the Vaulted Sky says:

      MISSED YOU TOO!! ❤ ❤ I've been in and out of reading/blogging slumps and I think (??) I'm finally back on track! And hahaha I'm like 80% sure there's something in Canada's waters that eventually makes everyone into rabid curling fans. I've gotten soooo obsessed with in the past 5 years. 😀


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