Blogger Recognition Award – A 6 Month Anniversary On Which I Attempt to Give Advice on Blogging and Life

Blogger Recognition award

I was nominated by Gerry from The BookNook UK for the Blogger Recognition Award about a month ago! Gerry ranks among post-it notes and cinnamon buns with cream cheese as one of the more awesome things that exist in this world, so go shower her with love.

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog
  • Write a post to show your award
  • Give a brief story of how your blog started
  • Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers
  • Select 15 other bloggers you’d like to give this award to
  • Comment on each blog and let them know you’ve nominated them, providing a link to the post you’ve created

This was meant to be a whole separate post in June, but then I realized July is the 6-month anniversary for this blog and so I thought, “What better way to celebrate a half-anniversary than foisting terrible advice onto people?”

So here goes!


The story of my blog getting started is astoundingly dull and short, and I’ve mentioned it twice already (here and on a post that I can’t remember the name of), so today I’ll just talk a little about the series of events that snowballed into its inception.

Throughout my childhood and teenage years, reading and writing had been two massive parts of my life. Then university came and the latter half of my undergrad soon became my lowest point. I don’t want to get into massively triggering details because this is supposed to be an anniversary celebration post, but most days it was like crawling to the edge of an abyss and wondering if today was the day that I finally had the energy to tip myself over. And so I stopped reading and writing for the most part.

Then I came across Robin Hobb’s books. And it won’t be an exaggeration to say that they saved my life. (I’m 100% sure that if I ever get the mind-numbing pleasure of meeting Robin in real life, I’ll break down sobbing and they’ll have to wheel me out in a gurney and everyone will be traumatized by the experience).

So after reading through every book Robin had published up to then, I thought:

I want to read more of this.

And then a year later:

I want to write like this.

And the goalpost just kept moving forward, tiny bit by tiny bit.

Up to now. (Sometimes it’s the small victories that matter the most)

So I’ve been blogging for just six months. I’m a small, waddling toddler trying to duke it out with the heavyweights. And today I’m here to dispense some of the wisdom that I’ve gained in my very, very short life.

I imagine all the veterans reading this right now are doing so with an indulgent smile, like they’re humouring the antics of a 8 year-old who came home from school one day declaring they’ve discovered the secrets of the universe.

“Yeah okay, kid, let’s see what you’ve got.”

Right. No pressure.

Well, I don’t claim to have stumbled upon the secrets of the blogsphere, let alone the universe. The internet freaks me out half the time and most days I’m just tripping over my feet hoping I don’t break anything when I hit the ground.

So my advice are as much an advice as they are reminders to myself. I can’t promise they’ll help you become the most successful blogger to have ever blogged. I can’t even promise that they’re good advice. But maybe they’ll help you feel a little better about yourself and make you smile or cringe (or both–I’ll take both).


1. Write your posts however the way you want to

Seems like a no-brainer, yeah? But I’ve seen a few people worrying about finding their “blogging voice,” so I’m guessing it’s not an uncommon problem people face.

Well, there’s no one way to write a blog post. I mean, there’s no one way to write, period.

You can be as informal or formal as you want. Use gifs and emojis to your heart’s content! Gifs and emojis are unprofessional, they say? Fuck that. The vast majority of you are doing this for free. The idea of someone caring enough about a book to write an entire post on it–gif-riddled or otherwise–is professional enough for me.

And not every post needs to be in contention for the next Nobel prize for literature or whatever pseudo-prizes they give out to bloggers (here I’m very much lecturing to myself). There are no English teachers or profs looming over your shoulder checking to see that your independent clauses are sufficiently independent and docking marks for overabundant use of semi-colons.

So use this opportunity to stick a middle-finger at your 11th Grade English teacher who kept scribbling on the margins of your paper, “This sounds good but STOP USING SO MANY SENTENCE FRAGMENTS” (FFS they were creative writing papers, Mr. Wallace). Because two of the greatest joys of being an adult:

1) Ice cream for dinner
2) ALL the sentence fragments, baby (unless you’re writing formal papers)

One thing that I keep in mind when writing reviews or any other posts is, “What would make me keep reading this?” For some it’ll be humour, for others it’ll be a super formal essay-style. Everyone has different tastes and you can’t please them all. So write in a way that pleases you.

And go wild! Experiment! Loosen up!

If you want write your reviews in verse, go for it!

You want to try rap lyrics? Heck yes!

I mean, hell, Captain’s Quarters writes like a pirate! (It’s pretty awesome)

Or if you don’t want to do anything super fancy, then don’t. Just write. And as long as you’re getting your thoughts across, I promise you no one will care about grammar errors or typos.

And if it takes you months and months to get settled into a style you’re happy with, that’s perfectly fine too. I imagine blogging is as much of journey in itself, with its high and low moments that sometimes mirror the trajectory of your real life and other times have an entire life of its own. And if you’re enjoying yourself, your readers will be right there riding the crazy train with you.


2. You’re never too big or too small to show kindness

“Kathy, if I wanted a fortune cookie’s worth of all sap and no substance, I’d have cracked open, well, a fortune cookie.”

First of all, once in a blue moon, those cookies give you fortunes that aren’t completely asinine.

Second of all, I don’t know why so much of our society has decided that kindness is something worth belittling. That it’s a show of weakness and naivete–a giving of all in exchange for nothing. I’m not saying that kindness is the answer to every woe that exists in this world–a sort of a deus ex machina–but it does make for a more fulfilling day-to-day life. And that applies to blogging as well.

Jealousy is an easy thing to get caught up in as a blogger (as in every area of life)–especially when you see people getting all the physical ARCs and all the followers. And that’s perfectly normal! Jealousy is a common and valid emotion that you don’t need to be ashamed of. The problem arises when you deny it and/or when you let it mutate into resentment and bitterness.

So focus on yourself and focus on the qualities that make these other bloggers so great. Is that always easy? GOD, no. Sometimes your brain is like a dog that just flops down in the middle of the street and refuses to budge. So you gotta haul it up and painstakingly drag it along the direction that you want it to go–which in this case is the Road of Kindness and Generosity.

But pretty much everyone I’ve interacted with in the blogging world have been wonderful thus far, so you won’t have to reach far to find something nice to say about them. And whether they have 20 followers or 2000, a short comment of “Hey, I enjoy this thing that you’re making! Keep going, you beautiful butterfly, you!” can make all the difference in the world.

And in the words of Justin McElroy, “There’s no narrative to your life, no arc, no reward for achieving all the things you want. That kind of thinking is a recipe for a you-centric world view and is a very lonely road. Focus instead on the role you play in the stories of others…Putting others first with a cheerful heart isn’t easy, but because of that, even the smallest acts can leave an incalculable impact.”


So to those who have ever read, commented, or skimmed my posts and went “Eh, I guess that wasn’t a half-bad read,” thank you for making this experience as incredible as it has been. Here’s to six months more. ❤️

I’ll nominate Vera from Unfiltered Tales, Maddie from Munch Reviews, Consu from Paper-Eyed Girl, Kaleena from Reader Voracious, Kristin from Kristin Kraves Books (None of you are obligated to do it!), and anyone else who feels like taking a shot at advice-giving!

24 thoughts on “Blogger Recognition Award – A 6 Month Anniversary On Which I Attempt to Give Advice on Blogging and Life

  1. Tammy says:

    Congrats on your milestone! I’m glad you mentioned kindness because these days we just can’t get enough of it. I’ve been blogging for seven years now (and believe me, that time flew by!) and I’ve been mostly lucky to interact with kind and supportive bloggers. Looking forward to continuing to read your posts😁


  2. Olivia Emily says:

    I love your advice! I myself am a big advocate for the old gif – for ages, I felt like it made my blog look too unprofessional but eventually I realised that that doesn’t matter at all! Who’s stopping me from using gifs?! If a picture paints a thousand words, a gif must paint at least 2000 haha!

    Congrats on 6 months! (:


  3. Vera says:

    Amen to writing in your own style and showing kindness no matter what. Such a great advice Kathy! Congrats to your 6 months anniversary. 🥂

    It’s so incredible how powerful books can be, isn’t it? Robin Hobb’s books had the power to help you when you needed it the most, that’s why I love books and reading so much! 💕 I honestly hope you get to meet her one day, I’m sure she would love to hear your story. 🍀

    And thanks for thinking of me, I’m still a blogging toddler but will definitely want to write something on this topic. ❤️


  4. sjhigbee says:

    Congratulations on your award and your anniversary. I also really like your advice – oh yes… apart from anything else, if you are busy tying yourself in knots trying to write like someone else, you simply won’t be able to keep your blog going:). Here’s to the next six months and many more afterwards!


  5. Kaleena @ Reader Voracious says:

    Congratulations on six months! That is a milestone that certainly deserves celebration. 💖💖
    This post is absolutely beautiful. You have an amazing way with words and I am so glad that I found your blog; your advice is spot on, especially on doing whatever makes you happy. This is a free hobby and there is no ‘right way’ to blog. I think the way we differentiate our blogs from others is through the passion that is evident in our posts.

    Thank you so much for the tag and nomination, Kathy! I likely will hoard this in my drafts for months on end (tbh I may copy you and have the post be a 6-month introspective in September), but it means a lot to me all the same! 💖

    And I agree that small victories do matter the most. For without them the bigger ones usually aren’t possible.


  6. jennifertarheelreader says:

    Congrats on 6 months, Kathy! I have taken all of your advice to heart. Funny you should mention kindness because you are one of the most genuinely kind bloggers I’ve met and have welcomed me to the community with open arms. Your story about how you got into blogging is both profound and interesting, and I enjoyed reading it. Now for some emojis. 😉 🍇 🍷 🥂 ♥️


  7. Gerry@TheBookNookUK says:

    Hahaha! Yes! I am finally ranked amongst the awesome post it notes of life although I have never tried cinnamon buns with cream cheese but they sound delicious!

    I’m glad you did this post as I really enjoyed your advice and think its spot on (plus that dog… oh my… I have never seen that gif before and I feel like he is the visual representation of me on Monday mornings)!

    Kindness is sadly underrated and I think that’s just sad so I like that you have included that. I’ve been lucky to have met such wonderful and supportive bloggers in this community (like yourself) and it makes the world of difference to the experience. I can’t remember who said it and its not exactly correct but there’s a saying similar to; ‘being kind in a cruel world is a sign of strength not a weakness!’


  8. RedRocketPanda says:

    Congratulations!! I am honestly always so impressed by bloggers who have been blogging for under 1 year who manage to build such a strong following so quickly and have such amazing looking blogs ❤


  9. Lucille says:

    Wow congrats!!!!
    These are lovely advice!
    Also, I must have said this already but I love seeing your little pink bunny icon on the wordpress reader or my notification 😀 ❤


  10. Justine says:

    Loved this post and congrats on the award and anniversary. 😁 I haven’t read your Farseer post yet because you said spoilers, but I’m sure I will when I finish the series. Blogging voice is really hard for me, too! I think it’s because I want to be conversational, but in real life I say the same exact words to describe things I like and dislike, but tbh I mostly do this when I blog, too, so 🤷🏻‍♀️. And yes, a little bit of kindness makes a blogger’s day! That one line of comment is worth the hours put into a review lol.


  11. Norrie says:

    I will never understand those who says being nice is a sign of weakness… i mean… how???
    It costs nothing to be nice.
    As for the blogging voice, i had this idea at one point that all my posts should be the same style. I.e. only serious, or only funny. But in all fairness, like you said as well, this doesn’t matter. Some topic deserve some fun, others are serious, etc.

    Lovely post!


  12. Dani @ Perspective of a Writer says:

    Congrats on six months! ♥️ You deserve the award! Blogging is hard work and you have to be true to yourself. If you like gifs (I love gifs!) use gifs, self expression is important for ones’ mental health. I love you think kindness is important, the world could use a hearty dose!


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